World Water Day
World Water Day: Save Water Save Life
22nd March celebrated as World Water Day for highlighting the importance of fresh water. UN general assembly designated World Water Day in 1993 for the purpose of taking actions to tackle the water crisis. Today there are over 663 million people living without a safe water supply close to home, spending countless hours queueing or trekking to distant sources, and coping with the health impacts of using contaminated water.
Leaving No One Behind
UN general assembly launches a theme campaign “Leaving No One Behind” which purpose provide water to all. It means billions of people are still living without fresh water their households, schools, factories workplaces and farms are struggling to survive and thrive. It is about tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind without safe water and what can be done to reach them? This is the reason “Leaving No One Behind” adopted with the slogan “water for all.”
How We Can Save Water?
There are many minor steps which we can take to save water. Every small change can add up to 100 gallons in water saving each year!
Here I described some small changes which help in saving water for our future.
- Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth – This can save up to 6 liters of water per minute.
- Fix a dripping tap immediately – A dripping tap can waste 15 liters water a day or 5500 liters of water a year, so fix that immediately.
- Showe With Less – Every minute you spend in power shower uses up to 17 liters of water. Set a timer on your phone to keep your shower short and water saving.
- Catch rainwater – Installing water butts save up to 5000 liters of water a year. And your plant thanks to rainwater instead of treated tap water.
- Save up your dirty clothes – Washing a full machine load of clothes uses less water and energy then 2 half loads.
- Installing Water Tank Overflow Alarm – Always install water overflow alarms will help wasting water and energy.
- Use a bucket to wash your car – Use bucket instead of running water pipe can reduce wastage of water.
- Re-use RO waste water – Try to reuse RO waste water in washing your car, watering your plants or floor mop etc.
- Clean fruits or vegetables in a pan – When you need to wash vegetables and fruits with water, try filling up a pan of water to wash them instead of faucet run.
- Use less electricity – Using less electricity also can help in saving water.
Kritarth Handicrafts urge all fellow Indians to unite in the soldiery of saving water so wan can give a better future to our generation. We should educate the people about saving water by running different small campaigns and aware them the importance of water in nearly future.